Friday, August 2, 2013

Stomach pains and good filipino food.

I somehow came down with something the morning after mom came in from the airport. It shocked me because I haven't felt sick in quite some time. Chills, aching body, drenched in sweat (I didn't think I could sweat that much!), and the thought that I couldn't get out of bed made me think I couldn't do ANYTHiNG all day. I felt better after what I thought of overdosing on medicine because whatever the doctor prescribes, I rarely use. I'm just stubborn that way. You would think I'd be taking them after having surgery, but this noggin thinks differently.

Mom and I shopped at various places for Baby B. My favourite stop, however, was the Asian Market. I can get pretty excited when it comes to asian food. Throw in the fact that mom is here to cook! Like everyday! I'm just EXCSTATIC! BUT!!! These past couple of days, my stomach did not agree with her food and so every single thing that was put into my mouth, my body rejected. Do you know how much that made me sad?!?! You have no idea!!! Ask any kid with a filipino mother. Ha! My mom jokingly told my dad that I didn't like her food anymore and J......omg (What am I going to do with him?! ), said that it's how third world people lose weight. Jee, thanks.

I felt like maybe I lost 10 pounds in two days with not having any food in my system and sweating like a hog for no reason, but I feel better now. She made loogow (sp) which is like rice porridge soup. Tasty! I was asble to hold that down and so I scarfed as much as I could!

We're to that point in her visit where I can do things outside of the house. I feel liked I've cooped her up. We did though, see a little bit of Corpus Christi yesterday. We walked down a pier at a park nearby my home which is literally a block away for a minute. We didn't stay very long because my back was starting to hunch over and legs were waddling. My medicine was wearing off. How embarassing. We did get to see some jellyfishes and a stingray surfacing from the water. It was pretty neat to see.

I promise it won't be a boring visit, mom!

1 comment:

  1. "That's how third world people lose weight"......your dad is too funny. :)
